Asian Fruits You Must Try!

If you're looking to add some new and exciting fruits to your diet, you should definitely check out some of the delicious options from Asia! There are so many great fruits to choose from, and each one has its own unique flavor and texture.

Asian Pears

This fruit is shaped like an apple, has a yellowish-tan color, and has a sweet-tart flavor with a hint of floral.

Asian Bananas

With a sweet & creamy texture, this banana is an excellent source of dietary potassium, vitamin B6 & vitamin C.

Dragon Fruit

This fruit has a soft texture, and the flavor is mildly sweet and has been compared to a mixture of pear and kiwi.


This fruit is round and has a hard, spiky outer shell that is yellowish-brown. It is rich in manganese, vitamin B6 and potassium.


The guava has a sweet taste and has been described as a mix between a strawberry and a pear.

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