6+ Healthiest Green Vegetables

Here are some of the healthiest green vegetables on the planet.  Try eating at least one serving a day!


1     Green Squashes

Green squash is a healthy source of antioxidants, vitamins B & C, beta carotene & fiber.


Dandelion greens are a type of wild lettuce that are high in vitamins & minerals.

2   Dandelion Greens

Herbs are nutrient-dense green vegetables that also possess anti-fungal properties.


3   Herbs

Broccoli florets are a good source of dietary fiber, vitamins C & K, and are even a good source of cancer-fighting phytonutrients.


4   Broccoli

Watercress is a leafy green that contains vitamin C, antioxidants,  calcium & iron.


5   Watercress

Often boiled or roasted, brussel sprouts are high in vitamin C, fiber & antioxidants.


6   Brussel Sprouts

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