Vegan Strawberry Cheesecake Smoothie

When you crave a cheesecake flavor, try this yummy Vegan Strawberry Cheesecake Smoothie. This is a dairy-free treat in smoothie form.


– cashews – unsweetened           plant milk – frozen strawberries – frozen banana – lemon – vanilla extract – wafer cookies – rice milk or coconut        milk whipped cream

Soak cashews in hot water to soften.  Combine plant milk, cashews, frozen strawberries, frozen banana, lemon juice & vanilla extract in blender.

Step 1

Blend on high until mixture is smooth & creamy.

Step 2

Top with rice milk whipped cream & crushed gluten-free vanilla wafer cookies. Serve immediately.

Step 3

Top with rice milk whipped cream & crushed gluten-free vanilla wafer cookies. Serve immediately.

Step 4

Tap the link below for  full recipe details.

Tap the link below for  full recipe details.