Best Juices for Weight Loss

These juice recipes are all nutritious, low in calories, and great for aiding in weight loss.

1. Celery Juice Recipe

Learn how to make Celery Juice that is super detoxifying, hydrating, and tasty!

2. Carrot Juice Recipe

Carrots are higher in natural sugars, but Carrot Juice is fat-free and also very high in beta-carotene.

3. Detox Vegetable Juice

This Detox Veggie Juice uses a combination of vegetables for a delicious option that is low in calories.

4. Refreshing Cucumber Juice

Cucumbers are full of water and make a great green juice that is light and refreshing.

5. Lemon & Ginger Green Juice

This green juice is tangy because of the ginger and lemons. 

6. Celery Cucumber Green Juice

Celery and cucumbers juiced together makes for a great-tasting green juice.

7. Beet Veggie Juice

Beet Juice is known to be energizing, plus it can help lower blood pressure. This one is delicious!

Give these recipes a try! Tap the link for all the recipe details.