Clean Eating Kitchen

30 Day Sugar Free Challenge

Are you tired of feeling sugar-addicted, bloated, and fatigued? Do you wish you could break the sugar cycle and be free from cravings? Consider joining the Sugar Free Challenge to reduce or eliminate your intake of refined and added sugars.

sugar free challenge logo hosted by carrie

It’s time to make changes to feel healthy, energized, and vibrant! 

The best way to start is to join the Sugar Free Challenge. The idea is to reduce or completely eliminate all added sugars for a month to reduce cravings and break the dependence on sugary foods.

What Happens When You Go Sugar Free?

The results can be incredible!

People who have done the Challenge have lost weight, reduced medications, eliminated migraines, and have had other health successes.

People also report having better control over their cravings once they have stopped eating sugar all the time. While it can be challenging for the first few days or even the first week, the benefits of going sugar-free usually outweigh the challenges. 

No Added Sugar Challenge

The goal with the Sugar Free Challenge is to eliminate added sugars from your diet.

Unless you are pre-diabetic or diabetic, then you should be able to continue eating natural sugars from fresh fruits, sweet potatoes, and other naturally sweet foods.

That said, if your doctor has put you on a low sugar or low fruit diet, then please stick to that. But, for most people, it’s okay to eat natural sugars found in whole foods.

As an example, a meal with natural sugars would include roasted sweet potatoes, vegetables, lean protein, and fresh fruit for dessert. A meal with added sugars would include packaged foods that have sugars added, or most packaged desserts.

When you join my email list, I’ll send you a lot more information about how to identify added sugars.

Sugar Free Challenge History

In August of 2018, I realized that while I was eating an overall healthy diet (much healthier than during my childhood and adolescence), I was still eating too much sugar. So, the Sugar Free Challenge was born!

Thousands of people have joined the Sugar Free Challenge Facebook group and hundreds of people have completed the Challenge. The Challenge is ongoing with a start date of the first of each month (although you can start anytime that works for you).

My role is to provide you with support, guidance, recipes, and any other help on your journey to breaking up with sugar. That said, I am not a healthcare provider and you should check with your doctor before making any changes to your diet.


Here’s what participants said after completing the Sugar Free Challenge (names have been changes to protect their privacy):

“4 weeks sugar free today and I’ve lost 13 pounds feeling fantastic with no headaches!!” — Sara

“I am super excited about my progress. I continue to be sugar free and I dropped 2 pounds this week. (I am also grain free, so that helps as well.) I am 49 and the weight does not come off easily. So sticking to this commitment has really helped!” –Randy

“I can’t believe tomorrow is day 30. What is amazing is that I have not had one headache or migraine.” –Kathy

My Sugar Addiction

I know how it feels to be addicted and hooked on sugar. My childhood home was chaotic and unhealthy and I learned to use sugar to comfort myself. All of those sugary foods were incredibly unhealthy for me, though, and I ended up overweight with digestive issues, PCOS (a female hormonal imbalance), and autoimmune disease.

It wasn’t until I learned more about nutrition and health that I realized that what I ate truly impacted how I felt. When I started eating real foods and not just candy and packaged foods, my energy increased, my weight balanced, my digestive issues resolved, my skin cleared, and so much more.

Learn more about me and my health journey including my cancer diagnosis.

While I don’t want to demonize sugar or junk foods, I do know that I feel my best when I eat foods that are unprocessed and without too many added sugars. If I can give up sugar after nearly 30 years of sugar addiction, then you can too!

Sugar-Free Challenge FAQs

How much does it cost?

Nothing, the Sugar Free Challenge is free. But, you can get extra help and guidance if you join my Sugar Free Mini-Course.

How do I join?

Sign up for my email list so I can send you information, tips, and recipes. I’ll also send you my Sugar Free Quick Start Guide.

What makes this Challenge different from others?

The Sugar Free Challenge has always been about accountability and support. Our private Facebook group is where you can get answers to your questions, find daily support and check-ins, and celebrate your successes.

This Challenge is also different because you can set your own goals. If you don’t want to go 100% sugar-free, then you can set smaller goals. An example would be to cut out soda in the first week, cut out candy in the second week, and so on.

What are added sugars? What foods are allowed/not allowed?

Added sugars are not naturally-occurring, but are added to foods during processing.

Added sugars that we do not allow during the Challenge include: cane sugar, maple syrup, honey, coconut sugar, etc.

Foods that are allowed in our Challenge include fruit, dried fruit, some sweeteners, and dates. Limited amounts of alcohol (without added sugars) and sweeteners like stevia are okay. See the list of sugar substitutes

Is the Sugar Free Challenge Free?

Yes, it is free! I do have a Sugar Free Mini-Course and a Sugar Free Challenge Guidebook that I highly recommend you purchase. The Guidebook includes meal plans, recipes, and information to get you through each of the four weeks.

Not sure if the program is right for you? Email me with any questions!

Or, If you’re new to eating sugar free and just want more information, get my FREE Sugar Free Quick Start Guide when you join my email list. Join now; unsubscribe anytime.

Who Should Not Join?

This challenge is not designed for pregnant people or for women who are currently being treated for eating disorders, diabetes or cancer.

While cutting back on added sugar is likely appropriate for these conditions, it’s best to work one on one with your healthcare provider during these times to ensure you get the individual attention you need.

Join Today!

I look forward to connecting with you and encouraging you on your sugar-free journey.

Don’t forget to join my newsletter list to get exclusive clean eating recipes and tips. The newsletter is 100% free with no spam; unsubscribe anytime.

About the Author: Carrie Forrest has a master’s degree in public health with a specialty in nutrition and is studying to be a holistic nutritionist. She is a top wellness and food blogger with over 5 million annual visitors to her site. Carrie has an incredible story of recovery from chronic illness and is passionate about helping other women transform their health. Send her a message through her contact form.

This content was created for informational purposes only. Results may vary and adherence to the suggestions made herein do not guarantee results.

Please note that this information is not medical advice, nor is it intended to replace medical advice. Before beginning any diet program or modifying your diet, you should seek advice from a licensed professional.

Also, please note that this program is not designed for people who are seriously ill and under the care of a physician. Carrie is not a dietitian, physician, or nutritionist.

Carrie Forrest (Clean Eating Kitchen & Forrest Enterprises, LLC) is not responsible for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application, or interpretation of the content.