8 Vitamins for Women in Their 30s
If you are a women who is in her late 20s through her 30s, you might be wondering if you need to take certain vitamins for optimal health and to prevent nutritional deficiencies. This article shares eight vitamin supplements for women in their 30s to consider. These selections are based on my personal and professional experience in women’s health.
Women are generally considered to be of childbearing age between our late teens to late 40s or even early 50s, so we need to factor in special considerations when deciding which vitamin supplements to take.
Some of the ways vitamins and dietary supplements can benefit our health include:
- supporting hormonal and thyroid balance,
- preventing anemia from menstruation or childbirth,
- and replenishing vitamins and minerals to support the immune system, nervous system, and overall health.
Here’s a basic overview of the best vitamins and minerals for a woman in her 30s, or any woman of childbearing age.
Scroll or click below to learn more about each selection and to get brand recommendations.
These vitamins include:
This post is not sponsored; all opinions are my own!
You might also like my article on the Best Vitamins for a Teenage Girl.
And, if you are a woman with PCOS, you should also read my article on the Best Supplements for PCOS.
Vitamins for Women in 30s
1. B-Vitamin Supplementation
The various B-vitamins are really important for helping our bodies run smoothly.
B-vitamins are most often associated with energy production, but they’re actually important for improving mood and preventing depression too.
It’s estimated that nearly 40% of the population has an MTHFR genetic mutation which makes it difficult to process folic acid. Most people who have this genetic mutation don’t know they have it, and it’s not necessarily a bad thing.
However, it does compromise B-vitamin absorption and usage. Learn more about MTHFR diet and supplement recommendations.
For this reason, women consuming vitamin B and B vitamins should probably opt for the methylated kind. One way to spot a methylated B-complex is to turn the label over to the ingredients list and look for the form of B-12 that says methylcobalamin.
B-vitamins are water-soluble, meaning that what you don’t use will just get washed out of your body. That said, it’s important to find a quality B-vitamin brand that doesn’t have a ton of fillers or extra ingredients, in addition to having the most absorbable forms of B-vitamins.
You may also get these methylated B Vitamins from a daily multivitamin (just be sure to read the label on the back of the bottle).
Recommended B-Vitamins Brand:
2. Iron Supplementation
Anemia or iron deficiency is the most common nutritional disorder worldwide.
The World Health Organization estimates that 30% of non-pregnant women are anemic and 40% of pregnant women are anemic, meaning that women likely do not have enough iron in their diets or aren’t absorbing it well even from a healthy diet.
Being anemic can cause tiredness, insomnia, restless leg, headaches, and overall loss of energy.
Most women don’t know that even being low in iron stores without technically being anemic can result in symptoms, including hair loss and low energy.
It is likely that most menstruating, pregnant, or postnatal women are low in iron stores and red blood cells, so it’s vitally important to have your ferritin level checked on a blood test ordered by your doctor, and then to supplement with iron if your levels aren’t at a certain level.
Its recommended to check your ferritin levels at least once a year, if not more often, because there are health risks involved with both under- and over-supplementing with iron.
Be sure to take your iron supplement with food to prevent stomach upset, and it’s also a good idea to take it at a different time of day than when you take your calcium supplement, and any thyroid hormone replacement.
Recommended Iron Supplement Brands:
3. Vitamin D
There’s a vitamin D deficiency epidemic among all Americans, both men and women.
Vitamin D is known as the sunshine vitamin because we can generally make it from exposure to sunlight.
Vitamin D actually acts more like a hormone than a nutrient in the body. It’s been called the key that unlocks so many important functions in the body. It is a fat-soluble vitamin and a very important nutrient that plays an important role in immune function.
Not only is vitamin D important for absorbing calcium, but a deficiency in vitamin D has been linked to various disorders such as certain cancers, autoimmune disorders and mood disorders.
A simple blood test called a 25-hydroxyvitamin D test can tell you if you have a deficiency.
If your score on this test shows vitamin D levels less than 40, it is best to supplement with extra vitamin D. Your doctor will have a recommendation for how much vitamin D you should take based on your current levels.
Once you start supplementing with vitamin D, it’s a good idea to re-test your levels in about 6-8 weeks, and then every 6 months or so thereafter.
But, be sure to speak with your healthcare provider about how often you should be testing your vitamin D levels.
Recommended Vitamin D brand:
4. Omega-3 Fatty Acids
The fatty acids from omega-3s (DHA and EPA) are considered essential fatty acids. This means that our bodies cannot produce them on their own, so we need to get them from food or supplements.
Salmon and other cold water fatty fish are excellent sources of omega 3 fatty acids. However, supplementation is often recommended to ensure we’re getting enough of these essential fatty acids.
Several studies have shown omega 3 fatty acids to benefit us by fighting depression and anxiety, improving eye health, improving cognitive function, reducing risk factors of heart disease, controlling symptoms of ADHD in children, reducing symptoms of metabolic syndrome, and fighting chronic inflammation.
Recommended Omega-3 Fatty Acid brand:
5. Magnesium
An estimated 70-90% of the US population is deficient in magnesium.
This mineral is an important one because our bodies depend on it as a cofactor for over 300 bodily processes.
People with magnesium deficiency may experience muscle cramps, unexplained fatigue, mood disorders, high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, nausea, and muscle weakness.
There are many forms of magnesium. It’s best to ask your healthcare provider which versions are appropriate for you. You can read another article on my site that talks about which are the best magnesium supplements and the signs of deficiency.
Leafy greens are a great source of magnesium, but it can be hard to consume enough to reach your daily magnesium nutritional needs.
Recommended brands of magnesium supplements:
6. Probiotics
Antibiotic consumption can disrupt the gut microbiome and can lead to leaky gut and other serious conditions.
Other factors can disrupt the gut microbiome include eating a diet too low in healthy fat, eating a diet high in processed foods, food sensitivities or allergies, and stress.
Gut health is becoming a popular topic for women’s health, and for good reason.
Probiotic supplementation can be helpful because these “friendly” bacteria help to keep our guts healthy.
Other benefits of probiotic consumption include reduced occurrence of irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea, urinary tract infections, infections of the digestive tract, and eczema.
You might also like this article with the best foods for natural probiotics and this one with the best gut healing foods.
And, don’t miss my dedicated article answering the question, “are probiotics dairy-free?“
Recommended probiotic supplement:
7. Calcium + K2
Calcium is important for bone health. Our muscles and nerves also need calcium to function optimally.
Some women may require extra calcium supplementation if they avoid calcium rich foods (such as dairy products) or know they are at higher risk for osteoporosis.
Calcium supplementation is tricky. If not done properly, calcium supplementation can put you at risk for kidney stones, hardened blood vessels, and heart disease. For this reason, it is often recommended that women who are supplementing with calcium take an added K2 supplement along with it.
Vitamin K has been shown to help calcium go where it’s intended to go, such as the bones.
Recommended Calcium & K2 brand (this one also has vitamin D3):
8. Prenatal Vitamins
Prenatal vitamins are multivitamins specifically formulated for women of childbearing age.
Prenatals contain more folate and iron than a standard multivitamin since these are vitamins needed for better baby development. The iron boost will also help prevent anemia from blood loss during delivery.
It’s important to look for a prenatal that contains good levels of zinc, copper, iodine and vitamin D as well.
Some recommendations of quality prenatal vitamins include (don’t take additional iron unless advised by your doctor, since these prenatal vitamins contain iron too):
Why Taking Supplements is Crucial
Most clean eating specialists and health practitioners recommend starting with a diet rich in nutrient-dense, organic, real foods as the basis of a healthy lifestyle.
However, for many women, diet alone may not be enough. Even if you are eating a balanced diet for the most part, you still may not be getting enough of the essential nutrients and essential vitamins.
There are a lot of reasons why you might want to add vitamins and supplements to your healthy lifestyle routine. We got through so many phases in our life that demand varying levels of nutrients.
So many women are also overcoming health issues. Some women are experiencing hormonal changes due to pregnancy or perimenopause. Some women have genetic variations and feel better when they supplement with certain methylated vitamins.
Lastly, today’s soil is more depleted of vitamins and minerals than it was generations ago due to modern farming practices, even if it is certified organic.
That’s why I’ve chosen to focus on what supplements would be ideal for a woman in her 30s to take. This article is appropriate for most women in our child-bearing years.
This list is not exhaustive!
There may be other important vitamin supplements that are recommended for you when you’re in your 30s. It’s best to consult a functional medicine doctor or naturopath who can help determine exactly what you need and don’t need.
For instance, there is ongoing research on using adaptogenic herbs for various health conditions, including using ashwagandha to help with PCOS!
See my other articles on how to find a functional medicine doctor, non toxic pots and pans, and benefits of broccoli sprout extract.
Vitamin FAQs
Supplement companies put recommendations for usage on their product labels. It’s best to follow their guidelines. Most supplements can be taken with meals unless stated otherwise.
It’s best to start prenatal supplementation before you conceive. It’s a good idea for any woman of reproductive age to take a prenatal, even if she isn’t planning to conceive anytime soon. It’s safe to take prenatals during your entire pregnancy and beyond.
Because prenatals contain higher doses of certain vitamins, some women may experience queasiness after taking them. If you experience this, make sure you are taking your prenatal with meals and plenty of water. It’s not safe to double up on prenatal consumption because of the higher doses of certain vitamins. Too much vitamin A can cause liver toxicity.
There are some excellent multivitamins, but you need to be careful about choosing one that includes what you need and doesn’t include what you don’t need. Some quality multivitamins for women include Seeking Health Optimal Start and Pure Encapsulations O.N.E Multivitamin.
Please note that you will likely need extra calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, and iron that what is included in a basic multivitamin. Always consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner to determine which supplements you need and which is the best multivitamin he or she may recommend.
If you are a woman of child-bearing age (roughly 18-50), you might want to talk to your healthcare provider about taking these supplements to support your optimal health.
And, as always, try to consume a clean eating, real food diet that includes a variety of whole foods. Learn more about how to eat clean.
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About the Author: Carrie Forrest has a master’s degree in public health with a specialty in nutrition and is a certified holistic nutritionist. She is a top wellness and food blogger with over 5 million annual visitors to her site. Carrie has an incredible story of recovery from chronic illness and is passionate about helping other women transform their health. Send her a message through her contact form.
Note: this post is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Please consult your healthcare provider for recommendations related to your individual situation.
Such a helpful post! I’ve been on my health journey for a few years now, and I’m interested in taking more supplements. I’ve transitioned to using completely natural cleaning products in my home. Now that I’ve removed so many toxic products and foods from my life, I’m ready to add good ones back in. I will absolutely start taking Vitamin D this winter!
I take multivitamins every single day religiously, but I am not 100% sure they are necessary now. It is a great read that puts into perspective which vitamins we should be taking and which ones can actually harm us and cause cancer! Yes cancer!!! Scary thought that something that is supposed to be good for you can actually harm you. What are your thoughts on it?
You should definitely discuss this with your healthcare provider. But my functional medicine doctor believes strongly in supplements and we monitor my lab work to see the benefits of each supplement I take. I recommend others do the same.
Can you please suggest some trusted brands sold in India for buying these vitamin supplements
I’m so sorry, but I don’t which brands are available in India.
I’m 39 is it advisable to take Evening primrose capsules and vit E at the same time?